¿Por qué Servicio Certificado?
Tu vehículo merece el cuidado experto de las personas que lo conocen mejor que nadie. Empleamos técnicos capacitados en fábrica que utilizan tecnología y equipos de última generación para ayudarlo a mantener su vehículo funcionando como nuevo. Confíe su vehículo a los expertos del Servicio Certificado. Simplemente haga clic en la pestaña o llame para programar una cita hoy.

Schedule service and maintenance with our Certified Service experts today.

Our Certified Service technicians at Kearny Mesa Chevrolet will complete a comprehensive look into your vehicle’s tires, wiper blades, fluid levels, brakes, battery and more to keep your vehicle running exceptionally.

At Kearny Mesa Chevrolet we’re your one-stop shop for auto parts. Let us find the right part for your vehicle.
¿Por qué Servicio Certificado?
Especiales de Servicio
Wiper Blade Rebate
Up to a $30 rebate* on the purchase of three select ACDelco Wiper Blades
Eligible brands are ACDelco Original Equipment ($10 rebate per wiper blade), ACDelco Gold ($7.50 rebate per wiper blade) or ACDelco Silver ($5 rebate per wiper blade).
Battery Rebate
Up to a $20 rebate* on the purchase of one select ACDelco Battery
Eligible brands are ACDelco Gold ($20 rebate per battery) or ACDelco Silver ($10 rebate per battery).
Cabin Air Filter Rebate
Up to a $15 rebate* on the purchase and installation of one select cabin air filter
Eligible brands are ACDelco Original Equipment ($15 rebate per cabin air filter) or ACDelco Gold ($10 rebate per cabin air filter).
Engine Air Filter Rebate
Up to a $15 rebate* on the purchase and installation of one select engine air filter
Eligible brands are ACDelco Original Equipment ($15 rebate per engine air filter) or ACDelco Gold ($10 rebate per engine air filter).
6-Quart ACDelco GM OE dexos1® Full Synthetic Oil Change on most vehicles*
8-Quart ACDelco GM OE dexos1® Full Synthetic Oil Change on most vehicles*
ACDelco Silver Front Brake Rotors installed on most cars & small SUVs*
12 Months/Unlimited Mile Warranty**
ACDelco Silver Front Brake Rotors installed on most trucks and full-size SUVs*
12 Months/Unlimited Mile Warranty**
Most ACDelco Gold 30-Mo Batteries Installed*
30-month free-replacement limited warranty**
Most ACDelco Gold Cabin Air Filters Installed*
Most ACDelco Silver Wiper Blades (per pair) Installed*
Tire Rotation and MPVI*
Regular Tire Rotations Can Help Extend The Life Of Your Tires
Most ACDelco Gold 36-Mo AGM Batteries Installed*
36-month free-replacement limited warranty**
Front Brake Pads Installed
Silver Battery
Four-Wheel Alignment
¿Por qué Servicio Certificado?

Multi-Point Vehicle Inspection1
Help keep your vehicle performing at its best with a thorough assessment of vehicle health indicators.

Oil Change
Regular oil changes are vital to your vehicle’s function.

Roll down the road with confidence.

For reliable stopping power, brake components must be monitored regularly.

Power your next adventure with our latest batteries.

Additional Services
Find more services for your vehicle.

Inspección de vehículos multipunto
Con su Inspección de vehículos multipunto, obtiene una evaluación exhaustiva de su vehículo por parte de los expertos del Servicio Certificado. Así que protéjase a sí mismo y a su inversión automotriz con una inspección completa del vehículo en su Kearny Mesa Chevrolet Concesionario hoy mismo.
- See dealer for complete details. Multi-Point Vehicle Inspections vary by participating dealer